Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Blog number 232 21 October 2008

A couple of days ago I used the AOL search engine searching , "Bodhimalik" and one of the things that turned up was a Blog about Booth Tarkington, written by one Greg Wright. One of Mr. Wright's many essays concerning Booth Tarkington begins, "Blogger Bodhimalik describes his own experience with Tarkington..."

This raised a question in my mind that coincided with a comment by another reader who said that she was turned on to my Blog by a friend. The question raised is, "How do these people I don't know come to be reading my Blog, and as a corollary, how many people are reading it?" Tens? Hundreds? Thousands? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands?

"Now, Don, you're getting a little carried away there, don't you think?"

"Yes, I think so. Thank you."

"Glad to be of service."

I always assumed that the only people reading my Blog were friends and family to whom I had sent a link, and to people who THEY notified of its existence. When I was using message boards I sometimes came across somebody who said something that made me think they had read my Blog, but I never really invesigated it. In fact, I never asked any of them if they read it.

One of the reasons I am writing this particular entry is due to my puzzlement over finding out that strangers are reading it. I never expected that. Of course it still could be that these so-called strangers are acquaintances of my friends and/or family. Or ex-message board people.

The other reason I am writing this particular entry is that I have not made an entry in some time and I needed something to write about. It was either this or a treatise on the sex life of the Vietnamese tsetse fly, and I know you don't want that.

I originally wrote this entry under a misconception, so I have changed some of the writing to make more sense with my new understanding. I thought I had Googled, "Bodhimalik," but I hadn't.


Zipadee said...

Sheesh! I have more trouble leaving comments with gooblog than any other!
What I wrote was, yes, googled and found your blog. Did it just now and an entry for some day in June came up.

Don Reynolds said...

Zipadee, you commented,"What I wrote was, yes, googled and found your blog." Typo? Methinks so.

I think you meant to write, "I Googled, "Bodhimalik." Yes?

I tried it again and all I got was a coupla posts. No Blogs.

I also Googled, Tarkington" to see if Greg got it that way, but my Blog didn't come up then either.

Ironically, when I had the AOL Blog, I could get to it by googling Bodhimalik.

Zipadee said...

Yes, "I Googled "Bodhimalik". Yes.

This is what I get:


I'm NOT savvy. I don't know the "lingo".

Those posts are not your "Blog"?

Paul Higginbotham said...

Don, there is a way to see how many hits your site has and by whom. You could even add a Google link to it and make money too! You'll have to ask Derek how to do it though because I am not sure. But I KNOW there is a way to see WHO is looking and how many TIMES it is being looked at. It would be interesting.


How all is well.

Don Reynolds said...

Zipadee, I made a mistake. I didn't Google Bodhimalik. I searched "Bodhimalik" on the AOL search engine. That's why I couldn't find me.

I tried the Google, and there I was!

And yes, that post is my Blog.

Don Reynolds said...

Paul, I got a Google message about making money, thanks.

The counting thing, I'm really interested in that. I haven't seen anything so far about how to do that. There are a couple of people I got some help with editing and so forth. I'll try them and I'll also ask Derek.
