Friday, October 10, 2008


Blog number 226 10 October 2008

I thought I had that comment reply thing whipped, but I just found out that I don't.

I went through the hoops and got to reply to Paul, but when I tried the same damn thing with Maryanne's, it wouldn't work. It kept saying the password was wrong. I only have two passwords. Geeze, whadda they want?!


Paul Higginbotham said...

grin You'll get it figured out yet Don! Is there a manual or online manual you can read? Is there anyone you can e-mail for help with this? I am sure you will figure it out, in the meantime I will enjoy your very humorous and INTELLIGENT blog. Very intelligent!

Don Reynolds said...

I got it figured out, seems like, Paul. Not much help from Blogger. Actually, not any.

Had to just keep looking and trying.