Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Blog number 229 14 October 2008

When I was getting checked for my chest pains and was about to lie on a table and have photographs taken of my beating heart, the man-in-charge asked me if I wanted to listen to some music. "Sure," I said.

"Sinatra?" he asked.

"No," I replied.

At the time, I thought he might be a one of those strange Sinatra fans and wanted to listen to him, but as I got to thinking of it, I think he thought that, since I was an old man, I probably liked old time singers like Sinatra, Tony Bennett, et al. all of whom I hate with a passion.

We settled on Iron Butterfly.

This thought reminded me of when that fifteen year old girl asked my wife and me if we knew who the Beatles were. I think that to youngsters, they see themselves as living in the world and old people are "off there" somewhere, not attuned to what is really going on.

They are SO cute!


Paul Higginbotham said...

HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Great story Don! I would have preferred Iron maiden over Sinatra any day too!

Paul Higginbotham said...

Speaking about Iron Butterfly! See below on memory! Oops! I MEANT Iron Butterly, Inagadadavita (In The Garden Of Eden).

Don Reynolds said...

Iron Butterfly, Iron Maiden, one can't fly, the other hurts like a sumbitch.

Paul Higginbotham said...