Monday, December 31, 2007


Blog number 139                                               Dec. 31, 2007

What's up wit dis guy?  I'm standing at the counter, the daily paper I'm about to purchase lying on the counter in front of me along with a sack of decaf espresso.  I'm talking to the barista about whether the decaf they have brewed is old, when this old man behind and to my right interrupts, points to my paper and says, "'scuse me.  Could I have this paper?"

I don't really look at him, but then he asks if there are papers somewhere in the store and I say, "Yes, right by the door as you come in."

Is this the same guy that wanted my chair the other day?  I really don't know.  I don't think there are too many people that would ask for my paper like that, and I don't think there are too many that would ask for my chair like that man did a few weeks past.  I think it too strange a coincidence to imagine that there are two people like that in my sphere of influence, so I have to assume it is the same guy.

Is it me or is he that self involved?  What on earth would enable him to imagine that the paper was just lying there waiting for somebody to want it?  Is he nuts?  Will he in the future walk up to me in Safeway and ask if he can have my grocery cart? Or my groceries?  Or my money?

I gotta take a real hard look at people like that next time and memorize their face so I can at least maybe get a handle on some strange doings here in the Arizona desert.  I wish I knew whether that was the same guy or if two or more old men are trying to gaslight me.

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