Thursday, October 12, 2006


Blog number forty-eight                                                Oct. 13, 2006

Today, on the wall of my house I saw what looked like painted stucco had peeled off a tiny part.  On closer inspection, it turned out to be a tiny gray moth that was so tight against the wall that I could not see any depth to it.  It looked like it was painted on.  I realized that this most probably was the type of moth -- likely the same species, that used to be given as an example in our science text books of how Darwin's theory of evolution works.

Supposedly, in London, there used to be thousands of these tiny gray moths and they hid from their enemy on the trunks of trees, etc., but as London got darker from the smoke coming from its many industrial smokestacks, the moths became black.  The gray moths stood out, you see, while the black ones didn't, birds ate the visible ones, the gene for black was passed on to the offspring, and viola'.  Of course this doesn't explain my moth because my house is painted tan.  Oh well.

I got to thinking.  How the hell does anyone know that that is what happened?  I mean really.  Think about it.  Maybe the moths did turn black.  I don't even know that.  I have to take my science book's word for it.  I used to trust my text books -- as we all did, I'm sure.  But Gosh darn, don't you think that they could have insisted that it was just a theory -- just what somebody thought might have happened?  It DOES sound logical, but I can think of a much better theory for how it happened, if it did, but I don't want to go into that right now.

I have heard many people say that Darwin's theory is fact.  And argue it!  Like anyone knows why anything does anything.  Pshaw.

And did you know that I was also taught that there were forty-eight chromosomes in human cells because some scientist counted them?  And did you also know that in my later years we found out that there is really forty-six because the first guy counted wrong and nobody thought to check the count?  Maybe somebody should count them again.

I was also told that neither matter nor energy  can be changed.  Along comes an atomic bomb.  Blew that theory all to hell.  And what frosts me about that was that I read later that scientists knew that matter could become energy -- theoretically at least, via Einstein et al. at the exact same time they were telling us poor children that it couldn't.

And we are still buying, aren't we, that crude oil comes from dead dinosaurs?  Ever see a dead animal turn into oil?  Huh?

I think they got that idea because of the fossil prints of leaves in coal.  So plants turn into coal, animals into oil.  Peat comes from non-decaying plants, peat turns into coal.  Coal turns into oil?  Seems like that was also in my science education, but I'm not sure.

Lotta iffy things about what happened eons ago.

I don't know why coal and oil can't just be hydrocarbon rocks.  Can anybody enlighten me a little more on that whole thing?  There IS a place for comments on this blog you know.  Or should.

I read in some book years ago that in the bottom of a running  stream in Texas they found human and dinosaur fossil footprints placed so that it seemed like the dinosaur was chasing the human.  They showed photographs of the fossil foot prints.  The story against such a thing was that they were fakes, made by people in the area to sell to gullible tourists.  But one of the locals was quoted and what she said convinced me that they were real fossil foot prints.

She said that the locals were selling fossils that they made, but you could tell the real ones from the fakes because the fakes were perfectly flat, carved from the same stone, while the real ones had ridges like if you stepped in mud, the mud would ridge around your feet.  The ridges were not all the same depth.  The fake ones were carved from the same stone.  It would take a skilled stone carver to carve prints that had realistic ridges.  And if they were that skilled, I'm sure they would have been carving other things as well.

The real ones were also much larger than the fakes because you had to be careful not to break the footprint when you took it from the rock.  With fakes, you start with the rock.  It could be any size you wanted.

Also, who would think to fake such a thing if there were not real ones to give them the idea?  Like theSufis say, there is such a thing as fake gold because real gold exists.

One of the photographs showed where the human had made a sharp turn and the dinosaur print made the same sharp turn as if it were following the human, and you could clearly see the ridges pushed out on the part of the print away from the turn.  Like would happen if you were running in mud and turned quickly. 

I told this to a friend of mine once and he asked if I was saying that humans were around when dinosaurs were and I said, no, what I was saying was that there were dinosaurs still around when humans existed.

And do you notice how those photos are totally ignored by the scientific community?  We already know that dinosaurs and humans didn't exist at the same time, so any evidence to the contrary must not exist.  Yes?  If it doesn't fit what we believe, ignore it.

I was also taught, as you were, that we see when light reflects off an object, hits the rods and cones in the back of the retina setting off a chain of electrochemical reactions from nerve cell to nerve cell up the optic nerve and into the brain and we "see." 

We see with our brains then, not with our eyes.  Right?  And doesn't touch work the same way -- we feel with our brain, not with our fingers?  We hear with our brain?  Smell with our brain?  Yes?  So the whole physical universe that we know is contained completely within our bony skulls.  Right?

Not only that, but all the evidence seems to suggest that there IS no "out there" out there.  It seems that we do not sense things -- our senses create and then shoves it "out there" so that we are able to differentiate between the perceiver and the perceived.

And what about the proof that the whole physical universe that each of us knows is contained totally within our heads?  Ever taught anything like that in elementary, high or college schools?  Ever see it discussed in "Psychology Ptoday" magazine?  Or in any other "scientific" magazine or book?  Or anywhere?  Why is that?  I'll tell you why.  Because it is not logical, that's why!  We KNOW out there is out there, so any evidence to the contrary must be in error. 

What evidence do we have that we really ARE looking at something that is really out there?  None.  Itseems to us that we are seeing, feeling, hearing things out there, so it must really be out there. Is that scientific or what?

Very strange.

The eye detects light frequencies.  The brain detects form and color.  We see a yellow pencil.

The ear detects air pressure variances.  The brain detects sound.  We hear music.

The fingers detect pressure and frequencies.  The brain detects texture and warmth.  We feel the touch of a loved one.

But don't worry.  Nothing is different.

I may seem a little harsh on scientists, but it's only because they are more visible than the guy that lives under the bridge or hiding out in a safe-house.  Scientists are people too, so what they do, everybody does. I know that.  You know that.  The only difference is that they have a credibility in their field that the ordinary man on the street doesn't have.  So they should be more careful with what they proclaim, don't you think?

It would be a good start if they would, instead of saying "The cavemen drew pictures on the walls of their caves in order to have power over their prey," they could say, "I don't know -- I wasn't there."

Or, if they say, "After careful experimentation, I think that such and such is the reason for the results," if someone says, "but what about this" they can say, "Well, I don't know.  Let me get back to you on that."  More honest. 

If the guy that counted wrong on the chromosomes had simply said, "I counted them and I came up with forty-eight of them," instead of saying, "there are forty-eight chromosomes in a human cell," he wouldn't have been wrong.  And isn't that what life is all about?  Not being wrong?

Nobody knows anything.  Take guesses, but admit they are only guesses.  That way science can be a little more open to other possibilities.  Kids won't be so likely to grow up with insane ideas.

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