Thursday, August 24, 2006


Blog number thirty-one   Notice. The archives are open.  Please spit.

So I'm walking down the alley.  I come to 28TH street and on the corner of the alley and 28th, there is a large oleander bush. Also, a car is coming from my left.  As I have explained in a previous blog, I don't like for cars to wait for me.  So I hide behind the bush and wait for the car to pass.  I wait.  And I wait.  Curious, I peek around the bush and there's the car, stopped.  The lady driver is laughing her head off.  She knew what I was doing and decided to wait me out.  One for her, none for me.

I walk into the dentist's waiting room and facing me is a boy about twelve years old, staring at me and grinning - like he knows me.  Also in the periphery of my vision, I see a young girl, about five or six, also staring at me and grinning.  What is this?  Do they know me?  I don't recognize either of them and usually I know whether babies are someone I have seen before somewhere or new ones.  These look new.  So why are they acting as if we are old friends?  My memory is getting that bad?

I place my hand on the boy's head as I pass and I sit where I can see the both of them.  The boy turns around in his seat, and grinning, he looks at me.  I can get neither to respond in any other way to me.  Curious.

So I finish my dentist business and I get home and I happen to glance in the mirror and my hair looks like Stan Laurel's hair - sticking straight up.  What had happened is that I commonly run my hands through my hair so I usually look a mess.  My wife and I have an agreement that she is to check me out before I go anywhere, but this time she was playing her game on the computer so I left without my checkup.

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