Friday, May 26, 2006



I was watching "The Daily Show" last night and they were on plagiarism and they showed a clip where this guy on a sports show was effusing a speech about some jockey or other and then Jon Stewart made a comment like he does and then showed a clip of a speech by the president on "The West Wing" and it was the exact same speech, word for word!  A sports show moderator/reporter was plagiarizing from a TV show!  Is nothing safe from thieves?


>>Holy COW! Is THAT how long it takes [for married couples to be civil to onw another]? All I needed was another nine years and it would have worked out. Hmmm.<<

Hah!  You gave up too soon.

>>While I truly state that ALL of that was interesting, ...I would encourage you to elaborate or at least add to what you have stated.  One thing in particular was of interest -- this statement:

One night at a carnival, I was by myself when I felt this warm hand in mine.  It was a girl who was with her friend.  I bought myself a ticket to watch a wrestling match -- she must have bought one too, although I don't remember this part.  I do remember holding her hand all through the match and back outside and at some point the hand was gone.  I never knew what that girl -- nor her friend, looked like.  To this day I don't know.

It demands any details you have.  The date of time when it occurred, what you were doing before, or after.  Anything in between that you left out because you felt it not important to the over-all story.  Why is this increased detail important to me?  What business is that of yours?  Just cough over the information, buddy!
I find thisexceedingly, EXCEEDINGLY, interesting.  I really, REALLY, wish you would expand on this.  If you are modifying your very own blog to accommodate others reading it (by not expanding on what you want to talk about) then you are missing the very point of the blog.  This is not for us, it is for you.  Also, who are you to judge what we are interested in reading?  I say, tell all you have to tell.  Let the chips land where they may.  I, for one, would like to hear more.  Unfortunately, I cannot, because you are editing this for your readership.  Shame on you!<<

I live in shame.  More does not affect me.  This incident occurred on Labor Day, the one time a year when the small town of Graettinger Iowa hosts a carnival, shutting down the main street.  Lordy, Lordy, how this brings back memories that I hope I can someday incorporate into my blog.

It was about 2000 (8 in the evening to civilians.)  Before it occurred I was just wandering around looking at things, taking rides, doing carnival things.  There was always at least one fight.  The wrestling match I went to was a setup, although I didn't realize it at the time.  What happened was that the barker had this guy that everyone knew up on a stage claiming that anyone that could stay three rounds with him would win a hundred dollars.  The guy was not a boxer -- he was a farmhand I think.  He wasn't particularly well built.  I remember thinking that he was going to get the excrement kicked out of him. 

I don't quite remember how this next came about, but a stranger in the crowd started harassing the barker and a wrestler that was also on the stage, claiming that he would beat this big, big wrestler.  They got the crowd worked up, ticket counter opened and everyone went in to see the stranger and the wrestler, wrestler.  I realize now that the home-boy had not been in any danger at all. He was like a shill.  He was never going to fight anybody.

Looking back, it seems strange that I accepted a stranger as legit.  A sign naming the town stood on the highway -- "The Choice of a Thousand."  Everybody knew everybody -- where their farm was, who married who, who farmed what.  Strangers were very rare.

A few years later my friends and I were in a pool hall watching a farmer and a stranger play euchre for $5.00 a hand.  Now in those days -- 1947, 48 somewhere around that, $5.00 was a lot of money, and for a farmer to be losing every game, each game taking about three minutes, this poor guy was losing his shirt.  The farmer laughed a lot, but it was more a cry for help, and embarrassed laugh.  He was not enjoying himself.  It was like he didn't want people feeling sorry for him -- he could "take it."

Women never went into these pool halls. Never - but suddenly this woman came in, started berating the loser -- he was her husband, evidently, then she picked up a full beer bottle and busted it over his head.  The farmer just said, "Who's deal?"

I don't remember what happened after that -- sorry.  I think his kids were out in the car too -- waiting for him.

But what is amazing to me is that to none of us kids did it occur that the stranger was a card shark, although it now seems so obvious that he was.  He never lost one single hand.  And what was he doing in that small town that night?  The town was not on the highway -- you had to turn off and drive a ways to reach the main drag.

I have seen that book, "found" and it is interesting.  I don't remember the part about the bus trip in Honduras, but that is a wild story.  I wonder if EVERY story in that book is true.  It would be easy to make something up, submit it, and see it published.<<

This come from the latest book.  Just out.  You probably haven't seen it yet.  I take the stories as true.  Can't see much impetus for making up a story, since no money is paid for them.  But I could be wrong.

Your insanity in your text was demonstrative of your insanity.  Where's my check?<<

You're right.  you won fair and square.  The check is in the mail.


Pee does not contain any germs.  That's what makes it such an excellent substitute for contaminated water.  Enjoy.

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