Blog number 153 March 3, 2008
I once commented to my youngest son - Derek, that I didn't like to hang out with most old people because they talked trivia.
He says, "What do you mean! You talk trivia more than any other person I know."
I told him, "I do not!"
As proof, notice that this that follows is NOT trivia, although it may appear to be, to the uninitiated.
Item in newspaper about bees reports that "experts warn to use caution around bees."
Thank Jehovah we have experts to assist us as we go about our daily life in this confusing existence, huh?
A few years back, a swarm of bees ensconced themselves by Kavi's front door. Kavi stuck his hand into the swarm, and following his lead, I stuck my hand in too. It felt like sticking your hand into a living warm quivering body. Awesome!
Scary, too.
I'm glad I had that experience. Something one experiences very rarely, I'm told.
Kavi stuck his arm in as far as he could reach, but I, using my psychic precognition abilities and thus forewarned of the experts' warning, refused to do so. I tried to force myself to stick my arm all the way in, but I kept thinking of how the bees might be able to smell my fear, causing them to proceed to do what bees do.
Now wasn't that fascinating?